Sunday, July 13, 2014

...and another one and another one...

My week slowly went downhill. The side effects from radiation caused my mouth break out in open sores leaving me unable to eat much. Think of how much a canker sore sucks and how bad it would be if one went from corner to corner in your mouth across your bottom lip, it sucks. One thing you should be able to do as an adult is feed yourself so when it takes a half hour to eat a bowl of soup I'm left feeling helpless. My jaw hurts less in the last couple days so I can eat more solid foods now but it's still slow.

Two things saved my shitty mood, one was hanging out with Cassie Saturday afternoon and Sunday Mom, Mike and Bridget made the drive from Syracuse for the Corn Hill Art Festival. It rained most of the time they were hear but I was still so happy to see them. It always means a lot when family and friends drive out to see me. I make the trip so often because that's where the family and friends all live but to have them make the effort means the world.

I'm taking a couple days off from work this week. I'm physically able to do my job but I feel like the infection in my mouth would do well with me not straining my body at all. Hopefully by Thursday it will heal up enough that I can go to Quaker Steak and Lube for all you can eat boneless wings night. I planned it with the guys at work and I'm really looking forward to it.

I want to say thank you to whomever reads this and has visited me, called, sent a card, email or even a text to check up on me. I love knowing people are thinking about me and they care enough to ask.


  1. You are in my thoughts. I have had a friend go through this and come through the other side and live a cancer free life ever since.

  2. Hey Pat,

    I stumbled across your blog and I'm glad I found it. I gotta give you props. I'm 27 and fighting a deadly disease, too, but I haven't been able to work for months. Keep on keepin' on. You're my inspiration for today.

    To our health,

