Wednesday, August 20, 2014

I know I suck

So I realized it's been about a month since I was here talking to you and for that I apologize. However, I also haven't had much to report since radiation ended. Seems like my taste buds are back for the most part. I ate some chocolate pudding tonight and it didn't taste like cardboard which is cool. Seemed like sweets and more specifically chocolate were the last tastes to come back. Spicy foods still hit me harder than they used to as the lining in my mouth continues to heal. My hair is another story, I haven't shaved my face in about 6 weeks and the hair on the bottom back of my head refuses to grow back. In the meantime I just get lots of haircuts and wait for my PET scan to come around in October. Cheers to things appearing to get a lil' bit better.


  1. Good to hear that life is getting better for ya. Progress is always positive! :)

  2. How are you doing? I've been thinking about you and hope you're doing well.
